The Bush

April 9th, 2013

I have discovered something I really like to do in my backyard.
So there is this gigantic hedge outside in my backyard that is now growing flowers all over it.

It is now bee heaven.

Also Katherine was going inside and discovered a bee on her shirt so she started screaming and ripped her shirt off and put a new one on.

The bee was flying trying to get outside.

So back to the hedge.
There is this one entrance I get through to avoid the bees.

Then there this is part of The Bush.

That was the original entrance before the flowers came in.
Here is the other side:

I decided to put another picture from the outside of the big bush so here it is:

Castle Panic: Really Panicking!

April 7th, 2013

Today my Mom, Dad and I played a game of castle panic.

So we started out with 3 goblins, 2 orcs and a troll. That until we had to draw 2 monster tokens.

Guess what is was?

It was another troll (3 health/max) and a token to draw 4 more monsters.

And they were ALL bosses. 

The Goblin King, the Healer, the Orc Warlord and the Troll Mage. 

They had special abilities.

Goblin King: Brings in 3 more monsters.

Healer: heals every monster on the board.

Orc Warlord: Everyone in his side (color) moves 1 space.

Troll Mage: Moves EVERYONE 1 space.

So instead of just panic it was...
Castle Panic: Really Panicking!

So we lost in the first 10 minutes of the game.

We tried again...and no luck.

Happy Birthday Kevin!

April 6th, 2013

Happy Birthday Kevin!!

My half-brother Kevin just had turned 18 today.

Have a good birthday Kevin!

The First

April 5, 2013

Hello! My name is Jeffrey Zucker and i am 1 of the 2 of the "Dynamic Duo" (Or as my mom calls it).
Today i made the first post on my blog.

I don't know what really to say, but here's how i will start:

I am 12 years old and I LOVE Disney.

You should look at that blog over there (2008). ---------->

So I will get new material.