Castle Panic: Really Panicking!

April 7th, 2013

Today my Mom, Dad and I played a game of castle panic.

So we started out with 3 goblins, 2 orcs and a troll. That until we had to draw 2 monster tokens.

Guess what is was?

It was another troll (3 health/max) and a token to draw 4 more monsters.

And they were ALL bosses. 

The Goblin King, the Healer, the Orc Warlord and the Troll Mage. 

They had special abilities.

Goblin King: Brings in 3 more monsters.

Healer: heals every monster on the board.

Orc Warlord: Everyone in his side (color) moves 1 space.

Troll Mage: Moves EVERYONE 1 space.

So instead of just panic it was...
Castle Panic: Really Panicking!

So we lost in the first 10 minutes of the game.

We tried again...and no luck.